FRISS Obtains ISO27001 Security Certification

Dec 2, 2022

FRISS gets ISO27001 certificate
FRISS gets ISO27001 certificate
FRISS gets ISO27001 certificate

We are proud to announce that we have obtained the internationally accredited certificate for information security, ISO27001. The ISO 27001 standard safeguards information assets while making processes measurable and transparent. By achieving this certification, we protect our customers on the three dimensions of information security:

  • Confidentiality

  • Integrity

  • Availability

Data privacy and security are the backbone of our Trust Automation solutions. On top of being compliant with  ISAE3402 Type II / SSAE 18, the ISO27001 certification is yet another milestone to ensure customer data is well-protected. It also allows for management of security of assets, intellectual property, and information flowing through FRISS by entrusted third parties. "I'm excited that we are now compliant with this internationally acknowledged security standard," says Koen van Vreeswijk, Information Security Officer at FRISS. "Security is at the heart of our operations. Receiving the ISO27001 certification is the confirmation of our continuous strive for advanced data protection and secure processes. It emphasizes that our customers can safely put their trust in working with us."

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