Turien en Co. live with FRISS solutions

Feb 4, 2016

Turien Co live with FRISS solutions
Turien Co live with FRISS solutions
Turien Co live with FRISS solutions

As of January the 1st 2016, Turien & Co. is live with the FRISS solutions Risk Assessment at Underwriting for policies as well as UBO & Compliance Screening. Turien uses Certigo insurance administration software from Netaspect. For this project the standard FRISS connection and integration for Certigo has been utilized. The solutions enable Turien to determine the optimal balance between quality and quantity in order to improve its portfolio value. Customers, policies and applications, both private and commercial lines, will be extensively screened. The solution also provides insight into Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs) to become compliant with the latest legislation and regulations.

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