Creative campaign "Insurance is a beautiful thing" launched

Aug 28, 2020

Insurance is a beautiful thing
Insurance is a beautiful thing
Insurance is a beautiful thing

FRISS, the AI-powered insurtech firm known for its creative approach toward the insurance industry, built an international campaign to regain a feeling of pride in the insurance industry. "Because insurance is anything but boring," says FRISS.

Jeroen Morrenhof, CEO and Co-founder of FRISS: "We often recognize that people take insurance for granted. We want to remind everyone how important our industry is. The most incredible things in life can only be achieved thanks to insurance. Therefore we believe insurance really is a beautiful thing. And the world should know that, too."
According to research from the Insurance Information Institute, 48% of Americans would rather not see someone close to them choose for a carrier in insurance, while only 54% perceives the industry as favorable. Especially the fully digital Gen Y group, lacks a positive insurance experience.  
Yoram Elzas, Head of Creative at FRISS, says: "The low appreciation of insurance as an industry is exactly why we are launching this campaign. We are putting the emotion back into insurance. Think of your personal life. Without the right coverage, no one would be able to travel around the world, drive a car or buy their own house. And companies would not be able to hire staff, do business or expand. Insurance allows us to take risks. Everyone in our industry should be proud of that."
With AI-powered fraud detection and risk assessment software, FRISS helps insurers provide a faster and more seamless experience for their customers. Morrenhof concludes: "I hope Insurance is a beautiful thing helps people grasp the beauty of our industry, and makes them realize how times continuously evolve, trends develop and customer expectations change. Carriers should change with them. It's time to find new ways of doing business. This is our wake-up call for insurers: Now is the moment for digital transformation."
Insurance is a beautiful thing launched today. Feel the emotion, share the story and watch the campaign video.  

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